1、Liam Nguyen
As Vietnamese, I can give you an honest answer, it is NO. There are few reasons Viet Nam need to solve but the timefrx is too short to do it:
A、Blue-collar worker wage is stagnant for many years, at this moment monthly salary of a blue-collar worker in city-complex is around 237 USD a month, while the cost of living in most developed areas is $400- $500 monthly. The wage growth rate annual is 10–20% while output production grow only 3% to 3.5%.
So you have weird situation that workers leave factory job to find better vacant in service sector. New batch of worker (from rural area) does not have enough skill to work in positions which require high precision (like making phone/electronic). Viet Nam population is around 100 million, it is not enough to compensate for loss of job in production sector. Another bigger complains from China/foreign investors is Vietnamese workers are lazier than Chinese one, it is hard to get them work overtime (10-12 hours) which is norm in China.
B、Concern about environment. Prime example is Formosa scandal. Taiwan plastic manufacturer dispose a large amount of their industrial waste into seaside, their smoke also harm local welfare. There was large protest against that company and compensation to victim (500 million).
Viet Nam does not have big square land suit for industrial scale. This will be big set back to foreign investors. Vietnameses start concerning for environment, they tend to against industrial production which will polute landscape and air.
C、state and local government meet with much difficulty to expand and open new industrial land. Many provinces choose not to spend theit budget on infrastructure for local project.To become high quality and efficiency nation like China/Japan/Korea. There is need for network of support industry.
There is famous saying from a local car manufacturer, when people find out many components are being import from China! “Precision manufacturing is zero in Vietnam, we can't even find a cheap quality bolt without shopping in neighbor country”. Bolt, wire, chip, lens…you name it. Fact that Samsung Vietnam relies on China suppliers for most of their component!!
My conclusion is there will be little good time for Viet Nam, to take advantage on Trade War, but those problems can't be solved by policies or command. Thing was wrong from beginning and government was too slow to solve it.
2、Jason Cheng(回复Liam Nguyen)
Yes, your opinion is objective and fair.
Vietnamanese people are the greatest people in the world. The country is about to take off with or without trade issues in China. It will never completely replace China as a place for manufacturing simply because it’s entire population is only 90something million and China has 1.3 billion.
Not only that, compared with China, Vietnamese workers also have a great disadvantage in quality. Many of them can only write their own names, not to mention the operation of complex machines!
I have two pairs of Adidas sneakers, one made in China and the other made in Vietnam. Until today, I often suspect that the new version made in Vietnam is made in Shanzhai shoes.
Although not willing to admit, but the fact is that Vietnam can not replace China's world factory status!
3、Neo G Doma
Vietnan only has 100 milliom people. It’s far below the limit to be the fatory of world.
Before became the factory, China could build ICBM, nuclear Submarine and a long list that Vietnan cannot do now. World factory does not mean import goods in process and assembly them, it need produce goods in process by it own.
4、Tom McGregor
We can anticipate a higher number of factories from China opening up across the border into Vietnam, but that had been inevitable while US-China trade wars have just accelerated the process. China’s economy had already entered a new stage a few years ago with increasing domestic consumption and greater reliance on the services sector.
Nevertheless, United States President Donald J. Trump raising tariffs on Chinese imports still can be disruptive to international business networks, since Chinese manufacturers are required to change supply chains and that’s not as simple as it sounds.
When a company shuts down a factory in China and reopens it in Vietnam, the manufacturer has to keep productions lines flowing without interruptions. Hence, the company has to purchase land rights in Vietnam and since the country is not as developed as China there’s the possibility they have to build a factory from the ground up.
当一个公司关闭了在中国的工厂,并且在越南重新开张时,厂家必须保证生产线运行不受干扰。因此,这家公司必须在越南购买土地权,而由于越南没有中国发达, 他们可能得从头建立工厂。
The new factory needs walls and a roof, constant electricity, running water and reliable roads to transport goods and equipment to and from the site. The Chinese factory has to shut down with the equipment and machinery going to Vietnam. That’s why changing factories can take six months to a year before operations return back to normal.You also have to take into account signing contracts with laborers, managers, contractors, logistics companies and suppliers in Vietnam.
In short, whether Vietnam can replace China as the world's factory or not, but at least from the current situation of government organizations, I do not think the situation will be very optimistic!
5、Keine Erbse, Freelancer
No. China's industrial process is a continental concept(from landmass to population).Vietnam is too small to replace China.A lot of people have misleadings about China's industries,and think that China totally relies on those foreign companies.That's not true. China's also has a big internal consumer market(That's the confidence of China in the trade war).
Vietnam lacks skillful engineers and workers,proper infrastructures(comparing with China) and management efficiency, a baby in industrial process.
For example,the metro line of cat lihn-ha dong which built by Chinese company(Completed last year,but it still can't be run because of the efficiency of Vietnam government). A lot of Vietnamese blame Chinese company for delaying the this project to earn more money But the fact is their corrupted officials and low efficiency management lead the higher budgets.
The budget of metro lines built by SKorea and Japan companies are higher than China's on average and these projects still are delayed.Especially the metro line buit by Korean company,half distance of Chinese company project,but it costs more than China’s.
Some Vietnamese people realize the low efficiency of management in their government instead of blaming Chinese for everything.
In fact, after years of observation, I was surprised to find that the Chinese seem to have some indescribable characteristics, that is a kind of quiet and pleasant mild atmosphere, they seem to be born builders!
They are so different. Let's take the simplest example:
When a lot of Vietnamese people hear “the cat lihn-ha dong metro line need 700 staffes”,their reaction is“why it needs so many staffes?Wasting…”
When some Chinese people hear about this news,they thought“it’s a preparation for the other city metros.A good start for the future”. That's an aspect that the difference between Chinese people and Vietnamese people,different thinking and attitude toward one thing.
Then, when a group of Vietnamese or Americans and French chattered about whether they should invest so much manpower, the Chinese had begun construction in silence, just like in the past 70 years, they always did more than they said!
6、Al Allington
I don't think Vietnam can take the place of China in the short term. There are many reasons. Please allow me to read an article I found on a trade website.
According to a major US shoe manufacturer who moved to Vietnam and then moved back to China, "The gap in worker efficiency between China and Vietnam is the biggest problem. Vietnamese workers do not work overtime at all and most of them are not skilled, resulting in low yield rates and frequently delayed delivery times. I think it takes a great deal of time and expense to train skilled workers in Vietnam. We can’t afford this cost, both in terms of time and money."
The increased demand for manufacturing space in Vietnam has also caused the cost of land and labour to soar.Between May 2017 and October 2018, wages have risen from 1,260 yuan (US$183) per month to about 2,000 yuan (US$291).
Then, the overburdened American company relocated to India. Fifth month later, he chose to go bankrupt. Then, with some last money, he stepped on the plane to China!
7、An Thành Hồ
Vietnam can be the new factory of the world, if US and Vietnam want so.
Of course, the premise is that the United States immediately cut its market demand by 50% and get the support of China!
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