GELATINE - WL20103 - HAIJIAO (China) - Foo
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Promotional Gelatine Capsules 1, Buy Gelatine
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Knox Gelatine Unflavored 32-Count, 8-Ounce B
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Gelatine alien prosthetic application
320x320 - 31KB - JPEG
Swollen infected gelatine zombie bite - Portugu
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escakes on Instagram: Tink in sugar. Gelatine
610x618 - 45KB - JPEG
Gelatine alien prosthetic application
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Swollen infected gelatine zombie bite - Portugu
320x320 - 15KB - JPEG
Gelatine alien prosthetic application
620x413 - 21KB - JPEG
Swollen infected gelatine zombie bite - Portugu
320x320 - 29KB - JPEG
Swollen infected gelatine zombie bite - Portugu
320x320 - 32KB - JPEG
欧洲荷兰商店 -- Dr. Oetker Gelatine 吉利丁片 6
520x346 - 19KB - JPEG
德国Abtei Gelatine骨胶原蛋白粉 含维他命250
750x750 - 272KB - JPEG
Gelatine Handbook: Theory and Industrial Prac
300x300 - 16KB - JPEG
.所以它的颜色洁白,质地柔软和湿润,带有轻微的甜味及浓郁的奶香味,比普通的奶油奶酪昂贵许多且难以保存; 4.吉利丁( Gelatine ,也称鱼胶或明胶)是一种动物骨胶,具有凝结作用
gel·a·tine n. 1. a. A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective. Gelatine - definition of gelatine
明胶(Gelatin-美式拼写或 gelatine-英式拼写,通常用来制作果冻和其它甜点)是由煮过的动物骨头,皮肤和筋腱制成的。一种替代品是琼脂(Agar-Agar)用海草制成。另一种替代品是
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供gelatine的在线翻译,gelatine是什么意思,gelatine的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 gelatine 英 ['dʒelətiːn] 美 ['dʒelətiːn] n. 胶质
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