caramel是什么意思 salted caramel

vanilla caramel 香草焦糖 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

caramel 英[ˈkærəmel] 美[ˈkærəməl, -ˌmɛl, ˈkɑrməl] n. 焦糖; 焦糖色; (含焦糖味的) 太妃糖; [网络] 牛奶糖; 黄棕; 酱色,焦糖; [例句]Food Additive Salt& resistance and examination method of caramel 焦糖色素的耐盐性及检测方法 [其他] 复数:caramels 形近词: caramba ceramet ceramal

Caramel Corn

Caramel Corn

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appetime caramel watch…_来自我还不明白什

appetime caramel watch…_来自我还不明白什

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没吃过这些口味 怎么好意思说自己是爆米花控

没吃过这些口味 怎么好意思说自己是爆米花控

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Crunchy caramel corn@小德白云天儿采集到Fo

Crunchy caramel corn@小德白云天儿采集到Fo

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Ice-Cream & Crumble Caramel Apple: 7 Steps

Ice-Cream & Crumble Caramel Apple: 7 Steps

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Tray Of Caramel Apples Royalty Free Stock Ph

Tray Of Caramel Apples Royalty Free Stock Ph

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oman _Superwoman _superwoman什么意思_s

oman _Superwoman _superwoman什么意思_s

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Candy bar chocolate caramel chocolate candy

Candy bar chocolate caramel chocolate candy

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【图片】Orange Caramel _图片_相册-音悦Ta

【图片】Orange Caramel _图片_相册-音悦Ta

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自然巧克力色\/奶茶色美瞳】Caram Caramel焦

自然巧克力色\/奶茶色美瞳】Caram Caramel焦

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Orange Caramel Lizzy公开认证照 度过非常快乐

Orange Caramel Lizzy公开认证照 度过非常快乐

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laurence dacade是什么牌子_什么档次? _5号网

laurence dacade是什么牌子_什么档次? _5号网

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【图片】Orange Caramel _图片_相册-音悦Ta

【图片】Orange Caramel _图片_相册-音悦Ta

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Caramel cake, mousse dessert on a plate. In a

Caramel cake, mousse dessert on a plate. In a

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1. having the color of caramel; of a moderate yellow-brown 装潢公司 去看看 阳光房 去看看 大疆 去看看 峨眉山旅游 去看看 空气炸锅 去看看 新概念英语 去看看 南京国悦颐养养



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2. Next morning, use knife to cut the edge, and then turn it up side down to another big plate. Now the crème caramel is ready. Enjoy. 第二天早上,用刀沿着烤碗边缘将蛋液切离烤

Murray, E. R.: Caramel HeartsThe fractionation of caramel ingredients depending on their mol massesFunctionalized carbon-silicates from caramel-sepiolite nanocomposites.The

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供caramel cream的在线翻译,caramel cream是什么意思,caramel cream的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 caramel cream caramel cream

