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SCIE· 综合评价:★ 6.Fractional exhaled nitric oxide and impulse oscillometry in children with
Allergy,asthma&immunology research Allergy,asthma&immunology research 查看本刊信息 期刊首页 各
3.Copy number variation burden on asthma subgenome in normal cohorts identifies susceptibility
SCIE· 综合评价:★ 5.The utility of serum tryptase in the diagnosis of food-induced anaphylaxis.304
SCIE· 综合评价:★ 2.Clinical application of exhaled nitric oxide measurements in a korean
SCIE· 综合评价:★ 4.Capsaicin cough sensitivity is related to the older female predominant feature
SCIE· 综合评价:★ 3.The revised edition of korean calendar for allergenic pollens.5-11页