
1.excuse指对有意去做或不做的事情所致的辞谢或道歉; apology指对已做的或应做而未做的事情表示道歉或辞谢; pretext指以虚构、捏造的“借口”或“托词”来掩盖真实意图

be brave enough to make an apology(1) - 第一部

be brave enough to make an apology(1) - 第一部

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The Five Languages of Apology: How to Exper

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Beauty models professor apology

Beauty models professor apology

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《Effective Apology: Mending Fences, Building

《Effective Apology: Mending Fences, Building

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Materazzi wins apology over racist claim

Materazzi wins apology over racist claim

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Express Apology Stock Photo - Image: 819740

Express Apology Stock Photo - Image: 819740

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end sorry greeting card and custom apology ec

end sorry greeting card and custom apology ec

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Sony: Exec Bows Deeply In Apology For Secur

Sony: Exec Bows Deeply In Apology For Secur

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ngorski & Sutcliffe全皮Aristophanes' Apology

ngorski & Sutcliffe全皮Aristophanes' Apology

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中英语作文模板 第261期:A Letter of Apology 道

中英语作文模板 第261期:A Letter of Apology 道

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re opened to show the advertisement apology f

re opened to show the advertisement apology f

749x421 - 91KB - JPEG

An Apology for a Late Resignation: In a Letter f

An Apology for a Late Resignation: In a Letter f

300x300 - 19KB - JPEG

