style over substance_style and substance

这让人想起来在品牌管理中,管理学者内容毕竟胜於外表(substanceoverstyle)的说法。那些在宣传上、广告上为一个产品、一家企业… 例句 释义: 全部全部,管理学者内容毕

倫敦: 「Style over substance, there must be better options than this?」 2009 七月 2 assindat, Singapore Arrived after a 10 hour overnight flight from the US, walked into the 'recep

Star Wars: Battlefront Is Style Over Substance By Rob Keyes 1 min ago No Comments Share Tweet Star Wars: Battlefront is finally here, a full month ahead of the headline-domin

as with the authoritarian style, is associated with a higher weight status in children. Conversely, indulgent feeding styles can also have negative consequences and, where control i

Style-over-substance 作风盖过本体;超越主旨的风格;指很美观但质量不好 例句筛选 1. Brenda: I'm not arguing for style over substance, but that phone ishideous. 我不是说款式比质量重要,但那部手机太丑了。 2. What's New, Cupcake is a triumph of style over substance. 最新消息,蛋糕是对物质的风格的胜利。

Writer-director Michael Patrick King and Co. found a balance of substance and style with the long-running, hugely popular HBO series.

内容提示:Style over substance A needless contact burn from a protruding car exhaust pipe 文档格式:PDF| 浏览次数:1| 上传日期:2015-10-16 21:35:05| 文档星级: 该用户还上传了

One of the comments raised another level of challenge - Unconscious bias toward style over substance. If you were to choose one to promote between people who have the follow

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

634x1229 - 198KB - JPEG

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

634x490 - 48KB - JPEG

Style Over Substance_悉尼1888 Hotel - by 8Ho

Style Over Substance_悉尼1888 Hotel - by 8Ho

550x366 - 40KB - JPEG

Triumph of style over substance_普拉Villa Mad

Triumph of style over substance_普拉Villa Mad

450x450 - 40KB - JPEG

It's Substance over style, this time |Top News |c

It's Substance over style, this time |Top News |c

470x300 - 38KB - JPEG

ow cabinet is a triumph of style over substance

ow cabinet is a triumph of style over substance

468x286 - 16KB - JPEG

Fashion fantasy offers style over substance: QU

Fashion fantasy offers style over substance: QU

306x366 - 34KB - JPEG

Style over substance!_罗马雷斯登萨西斯蒂纳公

Style over substance!_罗马雷斯登萨西斯蒂纳公

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Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

634x466 - 65KB - JPEG

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

Style over substance: Made In Chelsea's Kimbe

306x712 - 58KB - JPEG

It's Substance over style, this time |Sports |china

It's Substance over style, this time |Sports |china

600x324 - 77KB - JPEG

An Exercise in Style over Substance_普罗旺斯

An Exercise in Style over Substance_普罗旺斯

550x365 - 19KB - JPEG

triumph of style over substance_巴登-巴登Bats

triumph of style over substance_巴登-巴登Bats

550x366 - 25KB - JPEG

Gotham, ep 3: 'style over substance' - Telegrap

Gotham, ep 3: 'style over substance' - Telegrap

620x387 - 146KB - JPEG

A victory for style over substance in Horst's fabu

A victory for style over substance in Horst's fabu

620x387 - 50KB - JPEG

substance的形容词是什么_substance的形容词marmoset toolbag_marmoset toolbag3
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