

substance的名词动词,significant的动词,devastate的形容词,intensive的动词 作业帮用户 2016-11-26 优质解答 substance n. substantiate v. substantial n. adj. substantive adj. n.(古

新东方在线字典为用户提供单词substance的释义、substance的音标和发音、substanc 这组词都有“物质,东西”的意思,其区别是: substance多指某一种形式的物质,既可指元

5. having material or physical form or substance; that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible 中山二手房 去看看 朝鲜旅游报价 去看看 住宿 去看看 影

沪江词库精选induced substance是什么意思、英语单词推荐、induced substance的用法 induced【构词成分】 (构成形容词)表示 由.引起的 (如:drug-induced毒品引发的) substa

material可以是名词,也可是形容词;而substance就只是名词.就名词意义而言,二者最大的 是具体的(无论抽象与否)可组成其它事物的物质,是substance的子集.Substance更泛指,同

substance的汉语意思英 [sbstns]美 [sbstns]第三人称复数:substances基本解释名词物质 初中英语形容词词汇总结 英语词汇教学中存在的问题及解决 迄今为止,全国各地高校几

substance n. substantiate v. substantial n. adj. substantive adj. n.(古语) significant adj. signify v. devastate v. devastating adj. devastatingly adv. intensive adj. intensify v.


material可以是名词,也可是形容词;而substance就只是名词。 就名词意义而言, 二者最大的区别就是: material其实指(原)材料; 而substance则是物质(更泛指意义上的材料)。 具体辨析如下: ① material a) The substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made. --> 能构成其它thing的substance。 就是说material是substance的特例,即原材料。 b) Something, such as an idea or information, that is to be refined and made or incorporated into a finished effort. --> 抽象意义上的材料, 素材或基础信息。 c) material(s) Tools or apparatus for the performance of a given task. --> 复数s形式, 指材料工具。 d) Yard good

How to Become Certified as a Substance Abus

How to Become Certified as a Substance Abus

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Unreal Engine 4 给 Paragon 角色赋予生命(转)

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正版打折,还有免费中文学院!Substance Painte

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Substance Painter

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