The Investor states the LG V30 will debut in August and the G7 will arrive in January 201 Then there’s the LG G7 launching in January. This would put the announcement duringC
LG旗舰V30\/G7将发布 骁龙845\/OLED屏
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LG G7渲染图曝光:刘海屏+延续LG V30设计语
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等不及了 LG V30和LG G7都将提前发布
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LG G7无缘MWC 2018:AI加强版LG V30或代父
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No LG G7? LG may launch the LG V30+ Alpha
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LG G7对比LG V30图赏:两种全面屏\/双摄,你喜欢
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两种全面屏 LG G7 ThinQ对比LG V30图赏
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LG将于MWC 2018发布升级版V30 G7或推迟数
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抢占三星Note 8市场?LG V30\/G7将提前亮相
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LG G7 与LG V30 相机画质测试对比
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LG G7对比LG V30图赏:两种全面屏\/双摄,你喜欢
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LG G7对比LG V30图赏:两种全面屏\/双摄,你喜欢
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坐不住了!LG V30和G7都将提前发布
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