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Die foul minion of t. - DARKSPAWN采集到原画
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foul 英 [fa?l] 美 [fa?l] adj.[体]违反规则的,犯规的; 邪恶的; 难闻的,有恶臭的; 下流的 vt.& vi.纠缠,纠结; [体]违反规则的 vt.弄脏,使污秽; 使纠缠; 使阻塞 vi.腐烂; 缠结 n.犯规; 缠
pdf格式-241页-文件2.31M-Language Most Foul 15/10/04 9:23 AM Page iFirst published in 204Copyright Ruth Wajnryb, 204Al rights reserved No part of this bok
foul[faul] adj. 污秽的, 邪恶的, 肮脏的, 淤塞的, 恶劣的 vt. 弄脏, 妨害, 污蔑, 犯规, 淤塞 vi. 腐烂, 犯规, 缠结 n. 犯规, 缠绕 adv. 违反规则地, 不正当地
连续打了三杆foul and miss直接被判负,求这些斯诺克球员的心理阴影面积? 2017-12-01 17:39 来源:国宇利骏集团 声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜
[OE] The underlying meaning of foul is probably ‘rotten, putrid’, with overtones of ‘evilsmelling’. It goes back to an Indo-European *pu-, which may originally have been inspir
violating accepted standards or rules; a dirty fighter ; used foul means to gain power ; a nasty unsporting serve ; fined for unsportsmanlike behavior 同义词:cheating, dirty, unsport
NBA篮球里有哪些FOUL的术语?例如ANE ONE、干扰球这类 NBA各种投篮方式 (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb) fade-away shot:后仰
noharm,nofoul.是什么意思 no harm,no foul无害不罚.没有伤害就不算违规的意思,其实有点难解释,需要自己意会.有时候别人对你道歉时,你可以大度一点说 no harm,no foul 可以