30,000 join Taiwan's gay pride parade
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30,000 join Taiwan's gay pride parade
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苹果CEO库克小鲜肉男友曝光 37岁亚洲小伙
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Taiwan's gay parade calls attention to LGBT di
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Ang Lee's gay film wins Golden Lion at Venice
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Taiwan's gay parade calls attention to LGBT di
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罗志祥个唱邀请男同性恋表演 强调爱不分性别
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日本唇友关系流行 多数不介意同性练习(图)
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曝郑欣宜与许廷铿秘游台湾 入住情侣温泉套房
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[新华网云南频道] 小S或与黄子佼合开新节目 但
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Karsa回台湾与友人叙旧眼神凌厉 网友:虎爹不
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A top Taiwan court on Wednesday ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, the first region in Sun added that the process is urgent, concern
A Taipei resident surnamed Chen, who is a gay, told the Global Times that he was thrilled to see the passage and many young people in T
原标题 [台湾一健身房生意差老板诱男同性恋开不雅派对] 中新网11月14日据台湾媒体报道,屏东县警方11日晚间在恒春镇查获当地罕见的同性恋不雅
About 30,000 people participated in Taiwan's annual gay pride parade in Taipei Saturday afternoon and called on lesbian, gay, bisexual,