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Spellbind on the App Store on iTunes
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Spellbind on the App Store on iTunes
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Spellbind on the App Store on iTunes
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第三人称单数现在时:spellbinds 艾克水处理,免费取样 柯林斯词典 迷住;使入迷 非标门专业厂家 兴达门业 Verb: 1. to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terro
With their spellbinding and mesmerizing powers , they could control anything and everything in the natural world 他们使用迷惑和催眠的能力,就能控制自然界一切事物。 Spellbou
spellbind ['spelbaind] 英汉解释 vt. 迷住;用妖术迷惑 同义词 英英解释 v. 1. to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe 2. attract strongly, as if with a ma
[同] fascinate,grip,spellbind,transfix attract strongly,as if with a magnet She magnetized the audience with her tricks [同] bewitch,magnetise,magnetize,mesmerise,mesmerize,spe
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