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Once we have received your application you will be sent an e-mail with your University username and registration password for your account on the University’s MyEd portal. You
等着就行。如果不放心,也可以选择进去看看。 爱丁堡大学申请条件: 国际学生要求托福成绩 托福最低分数: 92 雅思分数要求: 6.5 每年学费,住宿,课本及其他费用 州外学费
MyEd is a guide for parents and students to aid them search for nurseries, schools, colleges, universities and courses in one place.
请问一下大家myed.请问一下大家myed的邮件都是投了以后几天收到的? 进入贴吧 全吧搜索 吧内搜索 07月22日漏签0天 爱丁堡大学吧 关注:38,181贴子:125,352 请问一下大家
还有。没有myed的话缴费是给谁交了呀。 活着玩的966 1L喂熊 1 是不是第一批次结束了,暂时不接受申请啊,再等第二批 923_3 路人甲君 4 secret嘚心 自带板凳 3 。所以楼主收
MyEd, the University's web portal, is available to applicants, students, staff, visitors and alumni.
If you are always missing events or just need to check that you have space in your diary for other events My Ed is able to show you all the events that your child’s school wants to
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