other_other the other another的区别

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other, the other, another, others, the others的区别_初中英语语法_初中英语-查字典英语网

other, the other, another, others, the others的区别_初中英语语法_初中英语-查字典英语网

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Balance bonus with other rewards

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高中英语语法:other, the other, another, others, the others的区别_英语网

高中英语语法:other, the other, another, others, the others的区别_英语网

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Default Other系列Metro图标

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One  red pencil standing out from the other colors. on wood background,Vintage tone.

One red pencil standing out from the other colors. on wood background,Vintage tone.

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What does "on the other hand" mean? | Learn English at English, baby!

What does "on the other hand" mean? | Learn English at English, baby!

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The Other Girl: A Midvale Academy Novel\/Sarah Miller-图书-亚马逊中国

The Other Girl: A Midvale Academy Novel\/Sarah Miller-图书-亚马逊中国

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On the Other Hand: Steve Anderson: 9780965079143: Amazon.com: Books

On the Other Hand: Steve Anderson: 9780965079143: Amazon.com: Books

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ON THE OTHER SIDE - 气质 - 天极图片手机版

ON THE OTHER SIDE - 气质 - 天极图片手机版

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简介:other,英语单词,后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other student

other 英[ˈʌðə(r)];美[ˈʌðər] adj.其他的; 别的; (两个中的)另一个; 其余的 pron.其他的; (指两个人或事物中的第二个)那个; (指一组中其余的人或事物)其余的; (指与说话人所在位置等相反的方向或地点)另一边 n.[the other]对立面;对立的事物 例句1.Obviously I can't speak for other people, but certainlyno one I know would entertain the idea. 我显然不能代表其他人的意见,可是我认识的人当中肯定没有人会有这样的想法。 2.The book recalls other memories of a bygone age. 这本书追忆了一个久远时代的别样记忆。

We have abundant time to go there. This autumn, farmers had a abundant harvest. 4. You will be thrilled by Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, a

The new development will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities. 这个新建住宅区包含商店、餐馆和其他生活便利设施。 5. ( referring to the rest of a group ) (一组人

简单比较一下.中文其它的人=other people ,其它的事物=other things ,这里的other作形容词用。.而一句others已经可以把上面的,other people ,ot 更多 other与others的用法小技巧

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