9 Turkeys Who Literally Can't Even Right Now
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Literally the last post I said no more ink pen unti
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These words literally came out of my mouth whe
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cute | Illustration: i literally dont remember by w
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【汤小兰摄影图片】厦门人像摄影_Literally cla
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luckyinlove literally necklace by jennywindlerjew
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【凌飞燕摄影图片】xiam人像摄影_Literally cla
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【凌飞燕摄影图片】xiam人像摄影_Literally cla
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He took my words literally, I didn't mean that way. 他竟然没听懂我话里有话,我真的不是那个意思啊。 (literally在下猫和狗就属于这种情况,
"当真" 先看英文“literally”常用意思: 1 in a literal sense or manner :actually <took the remarkliterally> <was literally insane> 2in effect:virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice - Norman Cousins> 而中文“当真”常用意思为 1 确实,果然;“没过几天,他当真给我送来了一盆水仙花。” 2 信以为真;“我只是开个玩笑,何必当真!” 双语中词语意思大致对应,register相差也不远。不过要注意的是,“当真”的使用或与地域有关,日常生活中是否常用就不一定了。 资料来自Merriam-Webster Online及百度百科
I took what he said literally, but afterwards it became clear that he really meant something else. 我原先相信他表面上所说的话,但后来才弄清楚,他实际上另有所指。 The Olympic
liter的词源_liter的由来_同根词_同源词. . literal:字母的;文字的,字面的;确定的,不夸张的 literally:照字面意义,逐字地;确实地,真正地;简直 literary:文学(上)的;爱好文学的,从事写作的
1530s, in a literal sense, from literal+ -ly(2). Erroneously used in reference to metaphors, hyperbole, etc., even by writers like Dryden and Pope, to indicate what follows must be ta
we can see a raised, three-dimensional rectangle that clearly wants to be pushed like a button, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it should be pushed. It could, literally, do alm
literally用来形容真实发生或存在的事情。现代社会最爱被滥用的词,别和figuratively(比喻 地;象征性地)混在一起,它们截然相反。 不正确用法: A:literally在下猫和狗(猜猜这里的lite