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The Shard opens with laser light show - Telegraph
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Travel to the Top of London's Tallest Building: The Shard | Architectural Digest
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Shard, London
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伦敦之行之The Shard碎片大厦香格里拉及Obli
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伦敦:the shard水晶宫
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The Shard by Renzo Piano photographed by N
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自缘身在最高处 – 伦敦新地标 The Shard 碎片
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高空建筑发起新挑战的碎片大厦The Shard\/伦佐
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New London skyscraper could rival the Shard –
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Shard 这个词英文的意思是 碎片 ,而作为数据库相关的技术用语,似乎最早见于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏中。 Sharding 姑且称之为 分片 。Sharding 不是一门新技术,而是一个
如果把1016英尺的The Shard与2723英尺高的Burj Khalifa塔相邻,它就显得比较娇小。但是在伦敦,与跟它相邻的One Canada Square相比,它就显得
The View From The Shard will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供shard的在线翻译,shard是什么意思,shard的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 shard n. (陶器或玻璃等的)碎片;一小片或一部分;〈动物学〉
The Shard is home to some of the best offices, restaurants and hotel rooms in London - along with breathtaking views The Shard 32 London Bridge Street London SE1 9SG View