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Related formso·blique·ness, nounsub·o·blique, adjectivesub·o·blique·ly, adverbsub·o·blique·ness, noun Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House
neither perpendicular nor parallel : inclinedoblique lines : having the axisnot perpendicular to the base an oblique cone : having no right angle an oblique triangle : not straightforwa
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但是并不是所有字体都做了这些,一些不常用的字体,或许就只有个正常体,如果你用Italic,就没有效果了~这时候你就要用Oblique. 可以理解成Italic是使用文字的斜体,Oblique是让
Oblique is a creative masonry theme that works great for fashion or general bloggers. Amongst the features you will find a a parallax header image, full color control with unlimited
Define oblique. oblique synonyms, oblique pronunciation, oblique translation, English dictionary definition of oblique. adj. 1. a. Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or pos
See in Glossary ’s center line, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be. You can make the frustum “oblique”, which means that one side is at a smaller angle to the centre line th
Peak strains at the endplate are likely due to the AF curvature and the oblique fibers angle at fiber insertion sites. 终板的峰应变可能是由于纤维环弯曲及纤维附着点的纤维倾斜角
Fondée en 2010, Oblique est une agence de 7 photographes basés en France (Paris, Lyon) et désormais en Australie (Melbourne).