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UTL_FILE.FOPEN( location IN VARCHAR2, -- 文件路径(必须要使用DIRECTORY对象,并且其名称必须为大写) filename IN VARCHAR2, --文件名 open_mode IN VARCHAR2, --
DECLARE v_doc_fin CLOB := ''; req utl_http.req; res utl_http.resp; url VARCHAR2(1900) := 'url xxx'; v_value VARCHAR2(4000); vchunkdata VARCHAR2(2000); v_req_length NU
UTL Technologies is a trailblazer in emerging technologies training centre in Bangalore, Offers courses in Embedded, VLSI Design, Telecom and Networking.
Oracle UTL_FILE的使用 wzw386272022|2018-07-01 |举报 专业文档 专业文档是百度文库认证用户/机构上传的专业性文档,文库VIP用户或购买专业文档下载特权礼包的其他会
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With the UTL_HTTP package, you can write PL/SQL programs that communicate with Web (HTTP) servers. And UTL_HTTP contains a function that can be used in SQL queries.
The Oracle supplied package UTL_FILE can be used to read and write files that are located on the server. It cannot be used to access files locally, that is on the computer where t
UTL Logistics makes business flow. As one of the India’s leading logistics & warehousing companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions in both private & sha