hostile_hostile takeover

Moscow to give tough response to U.S. hostile acts: Russian FM

Moscow to give tough response to U.S. hostile acts: Russian FM

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伊朗以色列争夺非洲盟友 非洲次大陆成伊以新战场 - 新闻 - 国际在线

伊朗以色列争夺非洲盟友 非洲次大陆成伊以新战场 - 新闻 - 国际在线

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懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening

懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening

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Western Sydney Wanderers ready for hostile S

Western Sydney Wanderers ready for hostile S

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《【预订】Hostile Takeover Y9780759611443

《【预订】Hostile Takeover Y9780759611443

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Hostile Waters (NEW VHS) Martin Sheen, Rutg

Hostile Waters (NEW VHS) Martin Sheen, Rutg

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Hostile concepts by .@Noinsist采集到迪斯尼原

Hostile concepts by .@Noinsist采集到迪斯尼原

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【The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate

【The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate

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Hostile weather tests firefighters

Hostile weather tests firefighters

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【宣传】THE HOSTILE 敌对关系.@卷子姐姐是

【宣传】THE HOSTILE 敌对关系.@卷子姐姐是

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DPRK urges stopping hostile acts with ROK - C

DPRK urges stopping hostile acts with ROK - C

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【Trying to Survive: In A Hostile Home and Wor

【Trying to Survive: In A Hostile Home and Wor

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简介:adj. (形容词)怀有敌意的,不友善的 showing extreme dislike or disapproval; unfriendly敌人的,敌方的 belongin

of or relating to an enemy hostile fire : marked by malevolence : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile act : openly opposed or resisting a hostile critic hostile to new ideas

Hostile (2017) Juliette, a lone survivor of an apocalyptic era, fights to survive against hunger, thirst, a broken leg and strange, disturbing creatures that only come out at nighttime.

2012年GCT考试英语核心词汇H-N . host n.男主人;一大群;节目主持人 hostile a.敌方的;敌意的,敌对的 humble a.谦卑的;地位或职务低下的;简陋的,低劣的vt.降低,贬抑;使卑下 . 4.

adj. ['hɒstaɪl] ( more hostile; most hostile ) 双解释义 1.怀有敌意的,不友善的 showing extreme dislike or disapproval; unfriendly 2.敌人的,敌方的 belonging to an enemy 词汇搭配

late 15c., from Middle French hostile of or belonging to an enemy or directly from Latin hostilis of an enemy, from hostis enemy (see guest). The noun meaning hostile person is rec


hostile和enemy的区别?未解决问题等待您来回答奇虎360旗下最大互动问答社区 hostile n. 敌对者,敌对物;敌方 。这是表“集体”性质的名词。因此可以讲the hostile(敌方),而不讲

Hostile Trucks specializes in building custom truck wheels, truck rims, off road wheels, off road rims and SUV wheels for the off road truck and SUV enthusiast.

