小伙伴英语儿歌:第52集 做派练习曲-最新、最全
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第42集 我们都爱烤猪宴--华数
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第55集 当我说啊嗝--华数TV
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小伙伴英语儿歌全集:第335集 空中翻腾六周入
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小伙伴VIP英语口语课程_WOWO英语- 大众点
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第8集 去往丛林深处--华数TV
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第42集 我们都爱烤猪宴--华数
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第52集 做派练习曲--华数TV
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第64集 我的希曼--华数TV
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小伙伴英语儿歌:第65集 跳起小虫人的舞--华数
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intimate (friend) ——最亲密的朋友 pal ——好朋友 companion/mate ——同伴 伙伴 associate/colleague ——伙伴 同事 acquaintance ——泛泛之交 不知道是不是lz想要滴~~
关于朋友的英文格言 范文老师 2019-05-24 11:28 1.a bosom friend afar brings distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 2.a faithful friend
生活中我们会有自己最要好的朋友,他们就像是我们的灵魂一样。下面是小编为你整理的我最好的朋友英语作文,希望对你有帮助!我最好的朋友英语作文篇1 Ihave a best friend.S
我的朋友(My Friend) Emma is a nice girl. She is my good friend and we often play with each other. She is 13 years old. We're the same age. She likes drawing. I like drawing, too. She draws beautifully. We often draw together. She always smiles because she likes smiling. In the morning, she smiles to everybody and everyone feels warm. She often says smiling is the bridge to the friendship. I think she is polite. She is helpful, too. She often helps me with my lessons. We usually learn from each other
360翻译支持中英深度互译,提供生词释义、权威词典、双语例句等优质英语学习资源,3 谈朋友 be courting/dating; have a boyfriend/girlfriend; go steady 参考:酒肉朋友 2.boy/gi
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版好朋友的英文,好朋友翻译,好朋友英语怎么说等详细讲解。海词词典:学习变容易,记忆很深刻。 好朋友 好朋友的英文翻译 基本释义 好朋友