Graceful_graceful minor

于果果's MOKO 个人网站 | 展示 Graceful swan

于果果's MOKO 个人网站 | 展示 Graceful swan

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Shop 2014 Graceful P.@龙城凌云采集到外国美

Shop 2014 Graceful P.@龙城凌云采集到外国美

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Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends Dior show

Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends Dior show

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scenery | Graceful…

scenery | Graceful…

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Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends commercial activity

Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends commercial activity

600x555 - 29KB - JPEG

妮可基嫚现正「Graceful」! 全新电影重现葛莉

妮可基嫚现正「Graceful」! 全新电影重现葛莉

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graceful diary_jenny diary_graceful diary2013新

graceful diary_jenny diary_graceful diary2013新

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graceful diary_jenny diary_graceful diary2013新

graceful diary_jenny diary_graceful diary2013新

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Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends Dior show[9]- China

Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends Dior show[9]- China

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Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends commercial activity

Graceful Zhang Ziyi attends commercial activity

600x437 - 30KB - JPEG

Graceful by Grishnak.@白泽小神兽采集到手办

Graceful by Grishnak.@白泽小神兽采集到手办

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Dongfeng Citroen's C3-XR SUV: graceful beas

Dongfeng Citroen's C3-XR SUV: graceful beas

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Ying'er in graceful look[1]-

Ying'er in graceful look[1]-

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Graceful Ruler by =F.@疏草采集到手绘(50图)_

Graceful Ruler by =F.@疏草采集到手绘(50图)_

545x1196 - 728KB - PNG

graceful 英[?gre?sfl] 美[?ɡresf?l] adj. 优美的,优雅的; 雅致的,美好的; 得体的; 飘逸; [例句]I am just an episode in your life, but I will play the graceful cantus by my hands. 我只是你

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Elegance is more of an aesthetic quality; elegant things look good. Metaphorically, elegance also is used to refer to efficiency and economy in accomplishing something, since we admire those types of solutions. It plays a role in mathematics. Graceful is more often used to describe the way someone moves, smoothly and again efficiently, showing good muscular control. So in a dance, you might describe the dancer as graceful, and the dance costume as elegant. But graceful can also refer to social g

He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure. 他在压力之下仍然开朗迷人,风度翩翩。 南京酒店 去看看 沪江日语 去看看 新东方英语 去看看 品牌设计公司 去看看 搬家

3. Four graceful towers stand at the corners of the building. 在教堂的四角各有一座优美的高塔矗立。 英英解释 adj. 1. characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execu

elegant和 graceful的区别 elegant, graceful这两个词的共同意思是“优雅的”“高雅的”。elegant侧重于人为的高雅; He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new

graceful优美的,优雅的;雅致的,美好的;得体的;飘逸 gracious亲切的,和蔼的;(对王族及其行为的敬语)仁慈的,谦和的;雅致的;有礼貌的 第一个是形容人的动作,第二个是形容人的特

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