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母校用英语怎么说?Mother School?NO,NO,NO
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晕倒,前三楼说得都不对, 英语里一般不用本科,用学士更地道,即bachelor, 我本人的英文简历供您参考 Resume Basic Info Name: XXX Gender: male Age: 22 Date of Birth: 1984-12-24 Marital Status: single E-mail: xmaseve1984@163.com Mobile: 86-13426015484 Dorm: 86-10-82337564 Education 2003.09 -2007.07 Beihang University Electronic Information Engineering Bachelor Major course: C Language, Analogical Electronics, Digital Electronics, Signal and System. Info during the School 2006-12 Undertook the preliminary contest of the 1st TV Skating Competiti
前面几位忽略了以个问题:Bachelor degree =学士 学历本科根据个人具体情况有两种表述: 1.兼有学士学位:Bachelor degree (BA) 2.如果没有获得学士学位只有毕业证,应该是:Undergraduate College.
本科生 undergraduate student 硕士生 graduate student 博士生 doctorate student
本科:Bachelor Degree 或者 Graduates (大学毕业)或Bachelor Diploma 大专学历 Three -year college Education 中专学历 Secondary Vocational School Educa
因此,我选择了英语作为我的大学本科专业。 Thus, I chose English as my major in the c 请问您想要如何调整此模块? 模块上移 模块下移 不移动 感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行
本科英语怎么说?2017-10-17 其他回答 a student with bechlor degree 作业帮用户 2017-10-20 undergraduate course 大学本科课程 作业帮用户 2017-10-20 其实在国外是没有
硕士,本科,大专,中专英语分别怎么说? 硕士,本科,大专,中专英语分别怎么说? 英语外语 09-01-12 强哥说事发布 czloveyou Master's degree, undergraduate, post-secondary, sec
同时为各大中专院校配发专科、本科、高职高专、中专、成人教育、中小学教师继续教 词博科技英语主科技词汇[310201-310300] . majolica glaze 锡釉彩陶釉 major 主要的;专