Side view of a Toco Toucan on a branch with its beak pointed down. Parque das Aves (Bird Park), Foz do Iguau, Paraná State, Brazil
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Injured Bald Eagle Gets a New Beak Created with a 3D Printer | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
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Portrait of a Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis) with beak wide open.-动物\/野生生物,自然-海洛创意(HelloRF)-Shutterstock中国独家合作伙伴-正版素材在线交易平台-站酷旗下品牌
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With beak full@棉麻采集到生物(105图)_花瓣摄影
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Goose with orange beak
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Chinese phrase translation: 乌鸦嘴(wūyā zuǐ )crow’s beak - 空中英语教室 沪江英语
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Big Yellow Beak Woodpecker Adult Mascot Co
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Brave Beak 勇气之喙
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EXO 伯贤 Beak Hyun…
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beak hyun.边伯贤light
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Eagle Eye - Sand Beak Stock Images - Image:
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边伯贤beakhyun The EXO…
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边伯贤 [Beak Hyun]…_来自旧人旧事丶的图片分
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These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'beak.' Views expressed in the examples do not repres
Beakwind Shenzhen Information Technology Enterprise, Experts in Manufacturing and Exporting Pendant, Necklace and 1618 more Products. A Verified CN Gold Supplier on
4 Beak P Acc Chem Res 1982 15 306 5 Katritzky AR Org Prep Proced Int 1987 19 263 6 Schlosser M Tet Lett 1988 29 4277 7 Snieckus V Che
俞敏洪单词串讲 - annjining的日志 -网易博客 . be up to由.决定 beak鸟喙 besiege siege包围,围攻被围攻,包围. 澳门旅游攻略 去看看 每日英语听力 去看看 途牛网旅游网 去看看
beak: [13] English acquired beak via Old French bec from Latin beccus, which was probably borrowed from some Gaulish word (the original Latin word for ‘beak’ was rostrum
你好。这两个术语适用于鸟类时,几乎没有差别,都可以用。它们的区别是, “beak”可以适用于很多动物,包括海龟,某些昆虫,一些鱼,一些哺乳动物,以及头足类动物,而不只仅仅
Revolver says 4/5.”Pull back occasionally, as ISIS torchbearers Beak do here, and there’s room for the volume to grow—until each surging climax seems somehow louder than