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irratated 牛津词典上解释为: annoyed or angry 烦恼 恼怒 后跟 at /by/ with sth eg. She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. annoyed 牛津词典解释为: slightly an

17.Ever irritated(激怒.by someone shouting at their mobile phone in a public place?We've all lost temper at least once at the sound of a person loudly communicating with someon

. appeal to… 对…有吸引力 irritated a. 恼怒的 principal n. 校长 . ef英孚教育 去看看 空气能热水器 去看看 注册公司流程 去看看 安居客二手房 去看看 美甲培训学校 去看看 腾冲旅

1. 恼怒的,生气的:fluoaluminate氟铝酸盐 | irritated恼怒的,生气的 | cross fitting十字头 2. 被激怒的;发炎的;疼痛的:13.impulsive冲动的 | 14.irritated被激怒的;发炎的;疼痛的 | 15.mad

aroused to impatience or anger; made an irritated gesture ; feeling nettled from the constant teasing ; peeved about being left out ; felt really pissed at her snootiness ; riled no end


二者意思基本一样,但annoyed比irritated生气的程度更轻一点.另外一点区别就是二者常用短语及结构不一样.上面已经给出常用法. 作业帮用户 2017-09-28 举报 举报该用户的提

by irritatedpoystiplz, Jan 29, 2011, 6:16:54 AM No Comments Listening to: Black Sabbath - Paranoid Reading: Dostojevskiä Watching: Huomenta ihmiset -paskaa Drink

