悉尼的手工巧克力店Winnow Choc.@斯德哥尔
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WINNOW x Harris Tweed手账A6封皮记事笔记
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Winnow Chocolate品牌巧…_来自Killer沐瑾的图
700x489 - 51KB - JPEG
术!Amanda Mckeith创办巧克力品牌Winnow C
599x419 - 44KB - JPEG
术!Amanda Mckeith创办巧克力品牌Winnow C
599x419 - 50KB - JPEG
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Winnow 笔袋和手帐本 无与伦比的英伦风
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老早就被winnow. - 手帐 - 豆瓣
540x303 - 60KB - JPEG
Winnow 笔袋和手帐本 无与伦比的英伦风
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Winnow Chocolate品牌巧克力…_来自Killer沐瑾
700x489 - 44KB - JPEG
Winnow Chocolate品牌巧…_来自Killer沐瑾的图
700x489 - 82KB - JPEG
Winnow Chocolate品牌巧…_来自Killer沐瑾的图
700x489 - 64KB - JPEG
And his master answered and said to him, Evil and slothful slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not winnow. 主人就回答他说,又恶又懒的奴仆,你
The winnow algorithm is a technique from machine learning for learning a linear classifier from labeled examples. It is very similar to the perceptron algorithm. However, the percep
to get rid of (something undesirable or unwanted) often used with winnow out certain inaccuracies— Stanley Walker : separate, siftan old hand at winnowing what is true and signif
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the wind winnowed the grass select desirable parts from a group or list; cull out the interesting letters from the poet's correspondence winnow the finalists from the long list of ap
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