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How to Cook With the Aloe Vera Plant | eHow

How to Cook With the Aloe Vera Plant | eHow

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What Care Does an Aloe Vera Plant Need? | e

What Care Does an Aloe Vera Plant Need? | e

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Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe Vera Extract

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How to Make Pure Aloe Vera Cream | eHow

How to Make Pure Aloe Vera Cream | eHow

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Promotional Aloe Vera Coconut Oil, Buy Aloe V

Promotional Aloe Vera Coconut Oil, Buy Aloe V

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How to Make Pure Aloe Vera Cream | eHow

How to Make Pure Aloe Vera Cream | eHow

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Slices of aloe vera

Slices of aloe vera

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Aloe Vera Extract - AVE - yuensun (China Man

Aloe Vera Extract - AVE - yuensun (China Man

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Aloe Vera and Prickly Pear JS Douglas S…-堆

Aloe Vera and Prickly Pear JS Douglas S…-堆

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Promotional Aloe Vera Extract Barbaloin, Buy A

Promotional Aloe Vera Extract Barbaloin, Buy A

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Natural Aloe Vera Extract - HD (China Manufac

Natural Aloe Vera Extract - HD (China Manufac

349x350 - 53KB - JPEG

5 x Aloe Vera Drinks different flavor,detox drink

5 x Aloe Vera Drinks different flavor,detox drink

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Is Aloe Vera Good for Pimples? | eHow

Is Aloe Vera Good for Pimples? | eHow

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PATANJALI Aloe Vera Gel Give Glow Skin & R

PATANJALI Aloe Vera Gel Give Glow Skin & R

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stomized tin chapstick lip balm with Aloe Vera,

stomized tin chapstick lip balm with Aloe Vera,

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芦荟功能晒修复镇静啫喱八种用: 紧急水补给:皮肤干燥起皮用作补水面霜或面膜基础护肤面霜或面膜步骤使用 润泽妆容:用BB霜或者粉底液2:1比例BB霜或粉底液镇静啫喱混合使用更容易妆使妆容更自光泽(定程度降低BB霜或粉底液遮瑕力) 进入图集浏览模式 须镇静:男士剃须剃须部位使用产品舒缓剃须皮肤产刺激 给发补水:取适量本品用于发梢防止发梢打结清爽黏腻 补水眼膜:眼周干燥或者浮肿冷藏镇静啫喱蘸于化妆棉敷眼部缓解干燥浮肿 指甲护理:手指脚趾甲擦涂指甲油容易失原光泽本品涂于受损指甲并按摩吸收帮助恢复指甲光泽 身体护理:用于全身滋润全身肌肤防止干燥使肌肤润泽柔滑 晒修复:夏季备本品于冰箱冷藏室内皮肤阳光晒伤或者晒红面膜纸镇静啫喱浸透面部敷15-30钟左右取效镇静晒伤刺激(适用面膜纸涂厚厚层于面部保持15-30钟左右能完全吸收啫喱擦或洗即 觉皮肤干燥候涂抹晒伤涂厚点镇定修复功能蚊虫叮咬止痒功效没添加任何防腐剂酒精孩都放试用涂按摩吸收点油油

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(Aloe Barbadensis Miller, aloe vera gel, Barbados Aloe, Aloe Barbadensis, Aloe Barbadensis gel, Aloe Barbadenis) 吉拉索芦荟,库拉索芦荟,翠叶芦荟,洋芦荟,库拉素芦荟 致粉刺

1. an Aloe Vera health drink 一瓶芦荟健康饮料 2. Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture. 芦荟用于润肤霜中,赋予其美妙的丝滑质地。 在职研究



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Adventages:1.protect skin from sunburned or windburned 2.protect skin due to fire,boiling waterand dthers by apply Aloe-Vera gel immediately 3.nourish your skinInstructions:1.

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