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2-11 康沃尔石南 花语:万能@flora_o0o00oo采
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Flura-Drops is used as a medication to prevent tooth decay in people that have a low level of fluoridein their drinking water. This medicine is also used to prevent tooth decay in pe
Kirkman 2.21 mg Sodium Fluoride Liquid, Flura-Drops are dye free. Each 4 drop dose of 2.21 mg (full strength) contains 1.0 mg of the fluoride ion (F-) from 2.21 mg sodium fluori
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Kirkman 2.21 mg Sodium Fluoride Liquid, Flura-Drops are dye free. Each 4 drop dose of 2.21 mg (full strength) contains 1.0 mg of the fluoride ion (F-) from 2.21 mg sodium fluori