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//注意,此处是返回一个匿名函数,而不是返回User的实例,所以不等于 $pimple['user'] = new User();这个等会我们会在测试程序中得到验证。实现一个按需加载,延迟加载的作用。
namespace EasyWeChat\Foundation; use Pimple\Container; class Application extends Container { /* * Service Providers. * * @var array */ protected $providers = [ ServiceProvid
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'pimple.' Views expressed in the examples do not repre
Pop That Zit is the original pimple popping video site since 2006! The biggest and best zit pops, blackhead squeezes, and more. Wanna pop?
namespace EasyWeChat\Foundation; use Pimple\Container; class Application extends Container { /* * Service Providers. * * @var array */ p
This statistic still does not make it any easier when you look in the mirror and a big pimple stares right back at you. 但是当你面对镜子时,如果一个巨大的丘疹在里面盯着你,这种数
Seems that by pimple 3.0 (which Silex 2.0 uses) by default always returns the same instance of the service. You need to be explicit about it and use the factory function if you don't