Somebody better put you back into your place We will, we will rock you Singing We will, we will rock you Everybody We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you Alr
W e w i l l r o c k y o u 中 英 文 歌 词 ey60349|2018-06-27 马上扫一扫 手机打开 随时查看 手机打开 W e w i l l r o c k y o u 中 英 文 歌 词 专业文档 专业文档是百度文库认证用户
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise 拔地 有啊 啊 褒义 买可 啊 比个 闹一丝 Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day 扑来应 应 色 四追特 工那 比啊比个满 撒木带一 You got mud on yo' face 有 高特 吗的 昂要发一四 You big disgrace 有比个 地四个如爱一四 Kickin' your can all over the place 卡一可 因要 看 哦偶我色 扑来一四 Singin' 四因 'We will we will rock you 喂哦喂哦 喂哦喂哦 软(啊)狗 We will we will rock you' 喂哦喂哦 喂哦喂哦 软(啊)狗 Buddy you're a young man hard man 拔地 有啊 啊 样满 哈的满 Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day 杀我听因 因 色 四追特 刚那 太可昂 色我的 撒木带一 You got blood
简介:《We Will Rock You》是Queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲,歌曲词曲由乐队吉他手布赖恩·梅制作,于1977年发行,
We Will Rock You By Queen Buddy you're a boy make a big noise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子 Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物 You've got mud on your face. 你搞得灰头土脸 Your big disgrace 丢人现眼 Kicking your can all over the place.把铁罐到处踢来踢去 Singing唱吧 (主唱) We will we will rock you.我们将震撼你 (合唱) We will we will rock you 我们将震撼你 (合唱) Buddy you're a young man hard man老兄,你是个年轻人,一条硬汉 Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday在街头大喊,总有一天要接管这个世界 You've got blood on your face. 你脸上流着鲜血
We're causin nutter devastation 我们要进行疯狂破坏 When we step in to the place 当我们踏进这个世界 And better believe that you can see 相信你会看到 We
We will rock you
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we will rock you英文儿歌视频在线观看
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吉他谱:We Will Rock You
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Britney,Beyonce《We Will Rock You》_标清 -
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【曙光音乐工作室】we will rock you 【慢版】
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【每日一歌2013.02.22】We Will Rock You -- Q
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we will rock you 摇滚范…
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we will rock you 童声_we will rock you英文歌_w
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横石塘中心幼儿园 we will rock you - 娱乐 - 302
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we will rock you - 音乐 - 3023视频 -
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范晓萱乐团今晚福建开唱 用ROCK中找回灵魂
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クイーン、「We Will Rock You」の高速ヴァー
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we will rock you-季晨毅 - 音乐 - 3023视频 - 302
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We will we will rock you 我们将要震撼你 Buddy you are an old man poor man 老兄你老了穷光蛋一个 Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace someday 眼里祈求着宽
we will rock you的中文歌词!创建于 2013-03-041个回答uaythx2013-09-28We Will Rock You摇滚万岁 -歌词: Buddy, you're
【we】wewillrockyou的歌词翻译成汉语是什么?:buddy you're a boy伙伴,你是个男孩 make a big noise playi? we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you're an old ma