postal code 英['pəustl kəʊd] 美['pəustl koʊd] phr. 邮政编码;邮编 中国postal code:457 zip code 美国。 postcode 别的国家。 Billing Address (where you receive your credit card bills) Street Address 市内地址 City State/Province / Region* 城市 省 Postal Code* 邮政编码 Country 国籍 Country of which you are a citizen 国籍 Telephone (country code first) 家庭电话,中国为86开头
postal code un.邮政编码 邮编;邮递区号;邮政编号 例句 1.City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. 城市或乡镇、省,包括邮政编码。 2.Korea shipment is required to provide accurate destination postal code. 韩国件需提供准确的目的地邮政编码。 3.Should numbers in the postal code field represent a correct postal code? 邮政编码字段中的数字是否表示正确的邮政编码? 4.This property contains the postal code of the user or contact. 此属性包含用户或联系人的邮政编码。 5.Search by city or postal code for a store near you. 按城市或邮递区号搜寻附近的店铺。
N a code of letters and digits used as part of a postal address to aid the sorting of mail 邮 management was able to get the postal code 10022-Shoes by asking the US Postal Se
postal code 英['pəustl kəʊd] 美['pəustl koʊd] phr. 邮政编码;邮编中国postal code:457zip code 美国。 postcode 别的国家。 Billing Address (where you receive your credit card bills) Street Address 市内地址 City State/Province / Region* 城市 省 Postal Code* 邮政编码 Country 国籍 Country of which you are a citizen 国籍 Telephone (country code first) 家庭电话,中国为86开头中国移动通信集团有限公司英文名“China Mobile Communications Group Co.,Ltd” ,(简称“中国移动”),于2000年4月20日成立,是一家基于GSM,TD-SCDMA和TD-LTE制式网络的移动通信运营商。中国移
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Postal code 邮政编码
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供postalcode的在线翻译,postalcode是什么意思,postalcode的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 postalcode 英 [pəʊstæl'kəʊd] 美 [pə
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5. The following example creates a trigger that prints a message to the client when anyone tries to update the StateProvinceID or PostalCode columns of the Address table. 以下示
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