词典解释 不及物动词 vi. 1. 变成,成为;变得,开始变得[L] Phil became acquainted with them. 菲尔和他们熟识起来。 It seems that he has become very fond of the boy. 似乎他变得十分喜爱这男孩。 She became a famous writer. 她成了有名的作家。 及物动词 vt. 1. 适合;同相称 This color becomes you. 这颜色适合你。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 become 1. 成为,变得;适宜,同…相称 2005考研词汇-lesson 2_旺旺英 become v.成为,变得;适宜,同…相称 2. 成为,变成,适宜 计算机专用英语词汇1500词(17)下载- 679. become v. 成为,变成,适宜 3. 适合;与--相称 自考综合英语(二)下册详解第五课上|自考综 become: 适合;与--相称
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为字的解释---在线新华字典 .治理〖 administer〗变成,成为〖 become〗是〖 be〗. 3. 变得 英语常用单词 -豆丁网 . writing n.著述,笔迹,作品 become v.变成,变得 becoming a.合适
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