简介:Northern是提供的存储配额管理方案的意思,Northern Storage Suite是一套针对企业存储资源使用管理的软件
adj. 北部的;北方的 n. 北部方言
As Heaney has lived long in Northern Ireland and experienced the most critical days, his poems have been heavily imbued with a strong sense of times and pining for an identity d
The northern blot is a technique used in molecular biology research to study gene expression. northern blot是分子生物学中的技术,用于研究基因的表达。通常不用于诊断目的而是用于研究的。 核酸杂交技术有Southern Blot,Northern Blot。 Northern Blot原理:在变性条件下将待检的RNA样品进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳,继而按照同Southern Blot相同的原理进行转膜和用探针进行杂交检测。 用途:检测样品中是否含有基因的转录产物(mRNA)及其含量。 楼主给的句子似乎不完整。我们在此展示核酸杂交技术Northern blots同时在原处……
Vector art Blue Jay and Northern Cardinal Birds
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homedecor-Northern Europe1…
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miRNA\/ lncRNA northern技术服务
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Where to go to see the Northern Lights - Telegr
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Northern Kazakhstan
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大USC SCA电影学院电影夏校的就读是什么体
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The president recently set aside large expense
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Northern Indian tabar (axe), 19th centur…
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Belmond Northern Belle 为儿童而设的旅行礼遇
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成人英语三级/学位英语大纲词汇-N字母开头汇总 . northeast东北,向东北 northern 北的,北方的 northwest西北,向西北 . 全自动豆腐机 去看看 老北京布鞋 去看看 阳光板 去看看 零
northern的中文翻译,northern是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译northern,northern的中文意思,northern的中文,northern in Chinese,northern的中文,northern怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由
1. The shifting magnetic fields energize particles in the Earth's atmosphere and inflame the northern lights. 不断转移的磁场使地球大气中的粒子能量增加,从而点亮了北极光。 工
3. A city of northern Maryland west of Baltimore. It is a processing center in a farming region. Population, 40, 48. 美国马里兰州北部一城市,位于巴尔的摩西部。是农业区的加工中
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