viable_viable alternative

BRICS: Time for a viable 'fast-track' investment

BRICS: Time for a viable 'fast-track' investment

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Fuel Cell

Fuel Cell

610x352 - 27KB - JPEG

Maximizing your minimum viable product: How

Maximizing your minimum viable product: How

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Viable London家具设计欣赏_工业设计-土巴兔

Viable London家具设计欣赏_工业设计-土巴兔

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Minimum Viable Products - Defined by The Exp

Minimum Viable Products - Defined by The Exp

550x310 - 10KB - JPEG

Viable London家具设计欣赏_工业设计-土巴兔

Viable London家具设计欣赏_工业设计-土巴兔

450x450 - 72KB - JPEG

伦敦Viable家具设计(2) #采集大.@龙飞凤采集

伦敦Viable家具设计(2) #采集大.@龙飞凤采集

413x600 - 18KB - JPEG

Minimum viable product (MVP). What is it and w

Minimum viable product (MVP). What is it and w

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peta Cateria 500 CATNIP Plant seeds Viable!

peta Cateria 500 CATNIP Plant seeds Viable!

640x480 - 84KB - JPEG

Bean, Soy, Viable Seed, 1 lb: Ind

Bean, Soy, Viable Seed, 1 lb: Ind

300x300 - 26KB - JPEG

级空气生物采样器(Six Stage Ambient Viable S

级空气生物采样器(Six Stage Ambient Viable S

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伦敦Viable家具设计(2) #采集大赛#

伦敦Viable家具设计(2) #采集大赛#

600x690 - 34KB - JPEG

feasible 英[ˈfi:zəbl] 美[ˈfizəbəl] adj. 可行的; 可用的; 可实行的; 可能的; 全部释义>> [例句]Is this really feasible? 这个真行的通? viable 英[

vi·a·ble a. viable, capaz de sobrevivir, término que se usa gen. en referencia al feto o al recién nacido. viable Want to thank TFD for its existence? , add a link to this page,

capable of living a viable skin graft viable offspring : having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus a 26-week old

The company ensured that it had a commercially viable product which would appeal to children. 该公司保证他们拥有一款既能吸引儿童又具有商业价值的产品。 2. 【 生 】[ +see


2. After less than one term there, do you believe she could be a viable candidate to head the most powerful nation on earth? 任期一届未满,你认为她能不能成为一个合格的总统候

1828, from French viable capable of life (1530s), from vie life (from Latin vita life; see vital) + -able. Originally of newborn infants; generalized sense is first recorded 1848. Related


Welcome to Viable Harvest! We are a family-owned business that's trying to change the world one fashion accessory at a time. Not sure what that means? We want to use what’

