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初一英语,中考快递,选择题9, 翻译题4,做错了,请
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求解,给好评,谢谢 初一英语选择题(10道题) 记得
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七年级英语上册选择题专项练习题 时间:2011-12-14作者:佚名试题来源:网络 七年级英语上册选择题专项练习题 七年级英语上册选择题专项练习题 ( ) 1. I want to a teacher when
D.mean答案A 3.Look!Tony is wearing a_coat! A.beautiful long red B.long red beautiful C.red beautifuo long D.long beautiful red答案:A以下题答案在题后面 )21. My English
人教版英语七年级单项选择题题库(200题) 1.His parents _ from England. A. is B .are C .be 2._ does your son live with? A. Where B. What C. Who 3.John is from _. A .Japan B. J
七年级英语下册单项选择题 时间:2011-01-21作者:佚名试题来源:网络 七年级英语下册单项选择题 文章 来源莲山课件 w w w.5 Y k J.cOM 七年级下期末复习单项选择100题 单项
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初一英语选择题练习 hijzh|2010-02-23 |举报 初一英语选择题练习 共享文档 共享文档是百度文库用户免费上传的可与其他用户免费共享的文档,具体共享方式由上传人自由设定
七年级英语上册选择题1 nba637079|2011-12-25 |举报 比较全面的复习题 专业文档 专业文档是百度文库认证用户/机构上传的专业性文档,文库VIP用户或购买专业文档下载特权
1. What is that? It is _ (a, an, the) English book. 2. She is my friend. _ (His, He, Her) name is Lucy. 3. Are _ (this, these, that) your rulers? Yes, they are. 4. Where _ (is, are, am) Jim and Bob? 5. What _ (are, am, is) five and six? 6. That is a bird, I don't know _ name. A. his B. her C. its D. it's 7. _ 8 and 8? A. What's B. Who's C. Whats D. That's 8. Are you _? Yes, I am. A. he friend B. his friend C. he's friend D. his friends 9. Are t
1. What is that? It is _ (a, an, the) English book. 2. She is my friend. _ (His, He, Her) name is Lucy. 3. Are _ (this, these, that) your rulers? Yes, they are. 4. Where _ (is, are, am) Jim and Bob? 5. What _ (are, am, is) five and six? 6. That is a bird, I don't know _ name. A. his B. her C. its D. it's 7. _ 8 and 8? A. What's B. Who's C. Whats D. That's 8. Are you _? Yes, I am. A. he friend B. his friend C. he's friend D. his friends 9. Are t