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1Rebel Boutique Gym .@zack0504采集到retai
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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专辑:1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio
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DAS Studio converts Parisian factory into indoo
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10 大最炫酷健身房,猜你一个都不知道_时尚女
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健身狗舔屏慎入 | 全球最high夜店健身房,懒癌晚
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1Rebel, Gym, Lodon 采集到画板 采集自用户 该采集也在以下画板 加载更多 推荐给你的采集 61 采集 查看《派宝 Pad Bot UI Des.@辛集采集到★UI【后台/PAD】(493图. 采花
1Rebel Boutique Gym in London by Studio C102 | Yatzer: 采集到画板待整理 该采集也在以下画板 加载更多 推荐给你的采集 61 采集 查看《派宝 Pad Bot UI Des.@辛集采集到
week, but something that’s definitely caught our attention is the launch of the new 1Rebelgym- a no-contract boutique gym experience. I just had to see what all the fuss was abou
1Rebel Gym 被全球美体评价为 专门给痛恨健身的人所建造的史上最酷健身房 ,融合了剧院、夜店和工业装置的设计风格,还会不定期邀请 DJ来打碟或乐团表演,夜晚的气氛绝对
1Rebel一本正经的要推出健身巴士,并且已经请来了建筑设计公司WMOR Architects参与巴士设计,和伦敦的公交公司洽谈了,政策原因以及安全因素正
the very first 1Rebel gym occupies an approximately 745-square-meter (8,000 sq. feet) former office area which has been stripped down and reconfigured into an urban, energetic
The brief was to design each new 1Rebel gym to look as individual as possible while still keeping to the brand promise of every class feeling like a night out – an event in its own
For gym-goers in London, the gym experience became a little less of a dreaded one thanks to the recent opening of luxury boutique gym 1Rebel, as designed by architecture and