[马术比赛]用英语怎么说 - 教育频道 - 国际在线
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中国功夫用英语怎么说?k大写还是小写? -键盘
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爸爸你女儿好爽,磁性写字板 英语怎么说,另类小
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悟空会英文木兰说法语 这所学校将用6国语言演
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手机中的口语外教 闯关大赛英语流利说评测
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360翻译支持中英深度互译,提供生词释义、权威词典、双语例句等优质英语学习资源,3 【竞赛规则】[jìnɡsài ɡuīzé] 〈名〉 rules of a contest/competition 【竞赛理论】
360翻译支持中英深度互译,提供生词释义、权威词典、双语例句等优质英语学习资源,3 【比赛场馆】[bǐsài chǎnɡɡuǎn] 〈名〉 competition gymnasiums and stadiums/v
比赛 match competition race contest game 上面的都行啊~~~
校园十佳歌手大赛英语怎么说-翻译- 21英语 该问题被阅读过 17225次 校园十佳歌手大赛英语怎么说 标签:娱乐 游客 2698天前 The first ten singers match in the school 成功抢
电子竞技(electronic sports/e-sports)就是电子游戏比赛达到“竞技”层面的活动。电子 官方微信:新东方英语 (微信号:xdfyyw) 听说读写译学习
公司简介 [名] company profile; [网络] Introduction; company information; Brief Introduction; [例句]公司简介VALTUS是法国最大的人力资源和咨询公司之一。 VALTUS is one of the biggest Human Resource and Consulting companies in France.
请看英文百科全书对这几个词的解释!!一看你就明白,非常详细! Synonyms: judge, arbitrator, arbiter, referee, umpire These nouns denote persons who make decisions that determine or settle points at issue. A judge is one capable of making rational, dispassionate, and wise decisions: In this case, the jury members are the judges of the truth. An arbitrator is either appointed or derives authority from the consent of the disputants: An experienced arbitrator mediated the contract dispute. An arbiter is one whose opinion or judgme
报名有好几种: 报名读书、学习班:enroll/sign up 报名参军:enlist 报名考试、比赛:enter
The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at t