人性的优点-中文导读英文版 (美)卡耐基 著,王勋
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作业帮用户 英语 2017-10-05 优质解答 In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages . Advantages
随着科技的进步发展,现代人的网购真实越来越方便了。下面是小编为您带来的是对网购的优点英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 With the popularity
Benefits: 1. At home "shopping" without time limit orders; 2. A lot of goods to obtain more information, you can not buy local goods; 3., On-line than the traditional cas
I think that online shopping has its strengths there are weaknesses. The merits of being able to save time, can buy what she wants, but the prices are cheap and convenient. Shortcoming is that kind can not see first-hand experience,buy Fake easily! So I suggest not to buy things online, we must also see to buy. If you bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.
On-line shopping is now accepted by more and more people. they think it more convinient to do shopping. And also they have the idea that the commodities are much cheaper than those in the department stores. But some tend to suspect the quality of these commodities. the reason is that, perhaps ,they have experienced being cheated by those so-call world famous brand. Mainly they don"t trust the quality and secondly they are afraid of not receiving what they pay for. Furthermore,no invoices ca
Many now enjoy a lot of people buy things on the web have been no exception. The network also bought a lot of things to talk about the following In some people purchase the web experience on Z: 1: TaoBao: www.taobao.com many people know a lot of trust. This is the largest trading network on the market. There is a lot of people Merchandise trade at the top. I also have bought up at Taobao. Advantages: You can purchase peace of mind, as long as the non-greedy do not be afraid to cheat on, are the
Shopping online is convenient. Whenever you're free, you can switch on your computer and have a look at what you want. There is no time limit. The shops
Online shopping 四级作文Online Shopping 关于网上购物(Shopping on the Internet) Directions: you are required to write a 150 word essay on the topic Sh
In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages: shopping on the Internet is c