黄子韬曝娱乐圈黑幕 批演员怕水冷还用替身 1
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黄子韬曝娱乐圈黑幕 批演员怕水冷还用替身 1
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王诗龄用替身演员遭批 童替安全问题受关注
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黄子韬曝娱乐圈黑幕 批演员怕水冷还用替身 1
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通灵之六世古宅_替身 电影_在线观看_演员表
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成龙拍戏真的没有用替身演员吗 李连杰佩服却
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替身演员在线播放- A movie about a good-for-nothing stuntman called Mike Gaucher who can't do one single job without something going wrong. His fiancée wants to kill him, the film studios don't want to give him any more work and, as King Kong for a promotion in a supermarket, he winds up destroying some display shelves. The only role he plays well is pretending not to be able to hear, speak and walk in order to get money from the government. Then along comes the "beautiful" actor called Bruno Ferrari. Supposedly a fearless stuntman, Ferrari turns out to be afraid of heights once his feet leave the ground. So a stuntman is needed to prevent a scandal. And who is the man who looks most (or exactly) like Bruno? You guessed it, good-for-nothing Mike
导演:黄树棠 演员:周润发/朱铁和/林蛟/陈文义 子弹乃龙虎武师,薪酬不佳且工作危险,但父亲龙爷身为武术
替身演员的玩命特技表演 上传于 2011-10-29 8四叶草8+订阅 8四叶草8 0粉丝 02:43 成龙大片特技揭密
《替身演员》,又名La doublure;通奸电影,提供全集完整版《替身演员》全网高清可在线播放片源。
用户 开通大鱼号 鲸观 在线反馈 侵权投诉 剧集 电影 综艺 动漫 娱乐 替身演员情龙的小视频
《替身演员》片段1,一个一无是处的替身演员叫Mike Gaucher不可以不出错的工作谁做一个单一的电影。
用户 开通大鱼号 鲸观 在线反馈 侵权投诉 网络文化经营许可这样的替身演员很敬业了-每日一囧-