Pray for Boston 早上从电视新闻里得知了波士顿马拉松遭受炸弹袭击的消息,直接就爆了粗口。无法想象比在
祝磊(潮记三少)的开心网记录:PRAY FOR BOSTON,来开心网,与好友分享最新心情和动态!
PRAY FOR BOSTON PRAY FOR BOSTON 这几天在看《天真者的艺术》,讲述一群自闭症儿童的故事。看到里面说到
Pray for B.美国波士顿马拉松终点发生两起炸弹爆炸事件,联邦调查局定性为恐怖袭击,初步知道造成两死,
Pray for.让我们一起为在这次爆炸中伤亡的无辜的人们默哀。死亡人数升到3人了#Pray for Boston#
Pray for Boston,Pray for all.R.I.P to not as fortunate as me,as us!4.16凌晨 Yuxi
Pray For Boston! NBA 尼克斯 湖人 热火 火箭 小牛 公牛
Pray for Boston
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Pray For Boston: 一些现场图,满地都是血迹,除
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Pray For Boston: 一些现场图,满地都是血迹,除
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Tsarnaev: I pray for your relief, for your healin.
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v. Michel Louis, joins parishioners as they pray
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ar-old boy killed by marathon blast asks: 'Pray f
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Karri-Leigh P. Mastrangelo: Pray for Us. All
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: Father's heartbreak at death of son in Boston
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ar-old boy killed by marathon blast asks: 'Pray f
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