case when_switch case

展开全部 select 分数,类别=Case WHEN 分数>=85 THEN '优秀' WHEN 分数>=75 THEN '良好' WHEN 分数>=60

CASE WHEN sex='1' THEN '男' WHEN sex='2' THEN '女' ELSE '其他' END 例如: SELECT id,name,cj,(CASE


本篇文章是对oracle case when 语句的用法进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友参考下

当我们需要从数据源上 直接判断数据显示代表的含义的时候,就可以在SQL语句中使用 Case When这个函数了.

CASE WHEN salary WHEN salary>500 AND salary WHEN salary>600 AND salary WHEN salary>800 AND salary

SQL中的case when then else end用法 Case具有两种格式。简单Case函数和Case搜索函数。简单Case函数 CASE

Oracle CASE WHEN 用法介绍 1.CASE WHEN 表达式有两种形式 复制代码-简单Case函数 CASE sex WHEN '1' THEN

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

uit for protect fire fighter, Security team when fir

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SQL集合函数中case when then 使用技巧 case

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