thunder 是什么意思,thunder 怎么读 英音['θʌndə(r)] 美音[ˈθʌndɚ] thunder基本解释 n.雷声;隆隆
完整,准确n. 1.雷,雷声[U] After the lightning came the thunder. 闪电后接着是雷声。2.似雷的响声,轰隆声
名词:雷声;很大的噪音 动词:打雷;沉重有力地移动;大声、愤怒、有力地抗议 (译自牛津词典)
thunder [英][ˈθʌndə(r)][美][ˈθʌndɚ] n.雷声;隆隆的响声;vi.打雷;vt.&vi.发出隆隆声;轰隆隆地快速
续航650km?起底台湾Thunder Power纯电动车
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昶洧Thunder Power 来自台湾的电动轿跑
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续航650km?起底台湾Thunder Power纯电动车
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四驱的红色Thunder Monster 竟在网上卖!(图)-四
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法兰克福车展 Thunder power亮相
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Thunder storm hits Singapore(3)
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随机读取很强劲 影驰Thunder GT64现货
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Thunder Power 于香港举行品牌亚洲首发
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Thunder Power电动车预告图发布 续航600km
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NBAOklahoma City Thunder 俄克拉荷马城雷霆
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iphone 玩法ilaunchthunder遥控导弹发射器
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科技感十足 Thunder Power纯电动车
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科技感十足 Thunder Power纯电动车
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科技感十足 Thunder Power纯电动车
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Nike Air Jordan 14 Retro Thunder (487471-070
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