



中文名 布什 外文名 Bush 国 籍 美国 出生地 美国马萨诸塞州米尔顿 出生日期 1924年6月12日 毕业院校

George Walker Bush(born July 6,1946)is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of

我想要的,是另一番景象 · Adie Bush | 全景摄影

我想要的,是另一番景象 · Adie Bush | 全景摄影

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Plant bush isolated.

Plant bush isolated.

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Bush criticizes Putin on democracy's slide

Bush criticizes Putin on democracy's slide

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Laura Bush begins Africa tour on AIDS

Laura Bush begins Africa tour on AIDS

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Barbara Bush in 'good spirits' in hospital |Amer

Barbara Bush in 'good spirits' in hospital |Amer

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The Dreaming(KATE BUSH)-新浪乐库-在线试

The Dreaming(KATE BUSH)-新浪乐库-在线试

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Wen Jiabao Meets with U.S. President Bush an

Wen Jiabao Meets with U.S. President Bush an

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Sophia Bush 黑色西服搭配__明星_YOKA时尚

Sophia Bush 黑色西服搭配__明星_YOKA时尚

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Bush twins offer advice for Sasha, Malia br\/

Bush twins offer advice for Sasha, Malia br\/

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俚语beat around the bush啥意思?

俚语beat around the bush啥意思?

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ama performing almost like a co-president to Bush

ama performing almost like a co-president to Bush

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President Hu congratulates Bush on re-election

President Hu congratulates Bush on re-election

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Vietnam in limelight as Bush arrives for summit

Vietnam in limelight as Bush arrives for summit

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索菲亚·布什Sophia Bush性感美女桌面壁纸-欧

索菲亚·布什Sophia Bush性感美女桌面壁纸-欧

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