reduce sb to 使…陷入某种状态[状况]中
如题驳倒某.把某人降为士兵reduce v.减少,缩小.Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to
reduce()方法相当于一个累加器的函数,所述阵列的每个值(从左到右)廖雪峰的js教程 数组reduce的高级用法
如题意思是,减少,应用在数量,数目的减少注意减少体重要用lose没有特殊的用法,记住reduce to 减少到
reduce的用法 意思就是对sequence连续使用function,如果不给出initial,则第一次调用传递sequence的两个元素
reduce()方法 定义:reduce()接收一个函数作为累加器,数组中每个值(从左到右)开始缩减,最终计算为一个
Hold the line to be trendy and reduce radiation|C
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big 'reduce, reuse, recycle' sign over a woman'
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Fight poverty to reduce pollution|Comment|chin
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Tesla Motors to reduce headcount in China - Bu
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ing budgets for weather modification to reduce
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报爱新闻iNews-Government funding to reduce
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Fudan has Invented Instrument to Reduce Noise
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Reusable cloth bag for reduce plastic bag when
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Pentagon chief plans to reduce US army size -
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Reduce power waste, another path to low carbo
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Reduce, Reuse And Recycle Word In Vintage W
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Victoria Beckham to reduce breasts
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Advisers differ on solutions to reduce traffic in B
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WHO to recommend ways to reduce harm of al
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