函数current_time("mysql",$gmt)返回格式为“年-月-日 时:分:秒”的时间。如果$gmt=1,返回的时间为GMT时间
沪江词库精选current time是什么意思、英语单词推荐、current time的用法、current time怎么翻译及发音、
英语单词大全提供current time是什么意思,current time在线翻译,current time什么意思,current time的意思,
Returns the current time as a value in‘HH:MM:SS’or HHMMSS format,depending on whether the function
沪江词库精选current time period是什么意思、英语单词推荐、current time period的用法、current time
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供current time的中文意思,current time的用法讲解,current time的读音,current
沪江词库精选current rise time是什么意思、英语单词推荐、current rise time的用法、current rise time
显示当前时间信息(Current Time Designator)与此软件当前时间指示符显示当前的时间信息是一个小的,简单,
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
470x300 - 41KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
600x400 - 140KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
600x380 - 48KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
600x400 - 62KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
308x217 - 19KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
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480x300 - 24KB - JPEG
Watchmakers not marking time despite current
421x171 - 35KB - JPEG
Imperial office in Forbidden City under renovati
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