
formal,中文意思是正式的。本词条缺少 信息栏,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来 吧

formal,中国百科网 简明英汉词典 formal [5fC:mEl] adj. 外形的,正式的,合 礼仪 的,形式的,整齐匀称的 n.





He wore his formal robes for the ritual. 他穿着正式的袍服参加了该仪式。Refers to person,place,thing,

Xi, Obama to convene first formal meeting |Top

Xi, Obama to convene first formal meeting |Top

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Cross-Strait affairs chiefs hold first formal meet

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Cross-Strait affairs chiefs hold first formal meet

Cross-Strait affairs chiefs hold first formal meet

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cosplay my love_Formalin

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cosplay my love_Formalin

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【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

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gether. Two serious business people in formalw

gether. Two serious business people in formalw

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formal hat|修图\/后期|摄影|银鹏 - 原创设计作品

formal hat|修图\/后期|摄影|银鹏 - 原创设计作品

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Men formal suit12矢量素材(编号:20140514074

Men formal suit12矢量素材(编号:20140514074

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Men formal suit10矢量素材(编号:20140514073

Men formal suit10矢量素材(编号:20140514073

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【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

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【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

【formal hat摄影图片】人像摄影

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Men formal suit07矢量素材(编号:20140514072

Men formal suit07矢量素材(编号:20140514072

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礼服 Formal dress#动画短篇#|其他动漫|动漫|中

礼服 Formal dress#动画短篇#|其他动漫|动漫|中

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