created and led a free two-week app development camp called Girls’ APPspirations a We are planning to do a “Component” Release of MIT App Inventor on Wednesday J
Android, Where's My Car? for App Inventor 2 | E
1418x761 - 416KB - PNG
uchUp, TouchDown Gestures for App Inventor 2
510x462 - 68KB - PNG
PaintPot (Part 2) for App Inventor 2 | Explore M
1434x642 - 422KB - PNG
QuizMe for App Inventor 2 | Explore MIT App Inventor
1201x525 - 176KB - PNG
Support for Using MIT App Inventor Classic | Ex
480x523 - 66KB - PNG
MIT App Inventor Sources
607x607 - 11KB - JPEG
App Inventor 2.0程序设计
733x434 - 29KB - JPEG
MoleMash 2 | Explore MIT App Inventor
230x260 - 21KB - PNG
PaintPot (Part 2) for App Inventor 2 | Explore M
1433x636 - 244KB - PNG
App of the Month Winners | Explore MIT App Inventor
500x550 - 126KB - PNG
MIT App Inventor | Explore MIT App Inventor
762x572 - 333KB - PNG
NFC Cup Game for AI2 | Explore MIT App Inventor
1164x519 - 93KB - PNG
App Inventor teacher workshops in South China
1594x1064 - 380KB - JPEG
MIT App Inventor
1331x885 - 185KB - JPEG
Welcome, Inventors! | Explore MIT App Inventor
495x365 - 55KB - JPEG