It’s not clear from CB Insights whether those exits were at valuations that exceeded or fell below the companies’ final privately funded valuations, but in any case unicorns repre
CB Insights:全球顶级金融科技独角兽分析 | 199
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CB Insights: 3,358 tech exits in 2016, 'unicorn b
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CB Insights: 3,358 tech exits in 2016, 'unicorn b
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CB Insights:2015年 Q4 风险支持企业融资下降
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CB Insights:2015年新产生72家风险投资支持的
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CB Insights:目前全球共有153家独角兽企业 | 1
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CB Insights:2016年Q1 新诞生独角兽数量下降至
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CB Insights:2015年Q4全球风险投资情况调查 |
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The International Unicorn Club: 91 Private Com
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Welcome to The Unicorn Hedge
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Does ageing unicorn Xiaomi deserve $50 billio
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Here's Another Sign That Unicorns are Overval
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unicorn | 199IT互联网数据中心 | 中文互联网数据
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天津到呼和浩特物流公司低价抢单 竞争激烈服
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600x413 - 22KB - JPEG