temporary普通用词,其反义是permanent。指持续有限的可计时间,着重暂时的存在、应用或效应。 momentary指瞬时即逝的,也表明间很短的。 transient指停留或延续的时间很短
Temporary housing built for quake victims
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Temporary Office Building For Police Station o
300x300 - 12KB - JPEG
Temporary Home: Piano\/Vocal\/Chords, Sheet\/
300x300 - 15KB - JPEG
Temporary jobs lift Spanish gloom - Jan. 3, 201
620x387 - 112KB - JPEG
temporary fence
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temporary fence - HL-02 - huilong333 (China M
448x336 - 110KB - JPEG
Temporary Fence Panel (Galvanized) (TF-16) -
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Temporary Fence photo,Details about Tempora
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Temporary Construction Fence Panel with Mes
300x300 - 82KB - JPEG
Temporary Fence - Temporary Fence (420454
300x300 - 46KB - JPEG
Whitehall runs up 28m bill on temporary staff de
468x313 - 56KB - JPEG
Temporary Chain Link Fence
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ising costs push companies to hire temporary s
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Temporary Fence Panel\/Crowd Control Barrier
580x446 - 39KB - JPEG
Completed: Temporary Pavilion \/ FABRIC
900x460 - 162KB - JPEG