
affection,love,attachment 这些名词均含“爱、热爱”之意。 affection指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情,侧重感情的深沉。 love比affection的语气更强。表示一种难以控制的激

Affection Royalty Free Stock Photography - Ima

Affection Royalty Free Stock Photography - Ima

400x267 - 35KB - JPEG

If equal affection cannot exist, let me …

If equal affection cannot exist, let me …

700x1120 - 142KB - JPEG

Motherly affection|Travel|

Motherly affection|Travel|

600x427 - 62KB - JPEG

Exotic displays of affection around the globe[7]

Exotic displays of affection around the globe[7]

900x633 - 110KB - JPEG

oe's adorable son Skyler shows his affection w

oe's adorable son Skyler shows his affection w

638x697 - 140KB - JPEG

Affection Stock Photos - Image: 1487653

Affection Stock Photos - Image: 1487653

400x254 - 32KB - JPEG



600x399 - 89KB - JPEG

Sometimes affection is a shy flower that…

Sometimes affection is a shy flower that…

700x700 - 60KB - JPEG

Big cat affection: Photo by Photographer Birte

Big cat affection: Photo by Photographer Birte

670x564 - 124KB - JPEG

If equal affection cannot exist, let me …

If equal affection cannot exist, let me …

700x1120 - 68KB - JPEG

cDermott put on a public display of affection wit

cDermott put on a public display of affection wit

634x667 - 147KB - JPEG

Image 3811739: Affection from Crestock Stock

Image 3811739: Affection from Crestock Stock

340x227 - 33KB - JPEG

estival 2013: Nicolas Cage showers affection o

estival 2013: Nicolas Cage showers affection o

638x931 - 95KB - JPEG

Affection - 电影图片 | 电影剧照 | 高清海报 - Ve

Affection - 电影图片 | 电影剧照 | 高清海报 - Ve

450x604 - 45KB - JPEG

Image 1044020: Affection from Crestock Stock

Image 1044020: Affection from Crestock Stock

340x227 - 34KB - JPEG

