Lithocholic acid (LCA)是一种疏水性的次级胆汁酸,由肠中细菌鹅胆酸7α-脱羟基作用形成。LCA引起肝内胆汁郁积(胆汁流终止或被阻碍)。LCA激活PXR(孕甾烷X受体),并且LC
lithocholic acid is an eph-ephrin ligand interferin
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石胆酸,434-13-9,Lithocholic acid
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石胆酸(LITHOCHOLIC ACID)(434-13-9) - 产品
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石胆酸|Lithocholic Acide|434-13-9|参数,分子结
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The metabolism of lithocholic acid and lithocho
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The metabolism of lithocholic acid-3α-sulfate b
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Transformation of lithocholic acid to a new bile
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Hepatobiliary effects of cholic and lithocholic ac
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The conversion of lithocholic acid into 5β-andr
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Lithocholic Acid-d4
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rsodeoxycholic acid from 7-ketone lithocholic a
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Lithocholic acid
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[434-13-9]石胆酸 Lithocholic acid_前衍化学现
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石胆酸|Lithocholic Acide|434-13-9|参数,分子结
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