美国学校收费的tuition(学费)和 fee(费用),从中文的翻译就可看出两者的区别。Tuition仅仅指的是学费,而fee指的不仅是学费,它还包括与学习有关的其他费用,比如:学杂费(学习
How much is the tuition fee for the tourism cours
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m Burns: Huge student rally against tuition fee h
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Tuition fee plans 'are based on dodgy dossier o
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Tuition fee concept
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What are the advantages of tuition fee increase
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tish students studying in the US after tuition fee
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m Burns: Huge student rally against tuition fee h
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Tuition fee riot: Charlie Gilmour was in mob tha
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Tuition fee riot: Charlie Gilmour was in mob tha
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total tuition fee网上怎么买_ 【合算的total tuitio
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total tuition fee网上怎么买_ 【合算的total tuitio
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total tuition fee网上怎么买_ 【合算的total tuitio
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Tuition fee protest: Miss England backs demon
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Student tuition fee protest turns violent after Lab
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total tuition fee网上怎么买_ 【合算的total tuitio
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